First Semester
(Modified Regulation)
Paper II / III -     ANATOMY
    (Multiple Choice Questions)

     Select the most appropriate response.

1.  Diaphragm is supplied by
  1. Phrenic nerve
  2. Intercostal nerve
  3. (1) and (2)
  4. Splanchnic nerve

2.    Extension of the elbow is by
  1. Biceps
  2. deltoid
  3. Coracobrachialis
  4. Triceps

3.   Bones taking part in the formation of the wrist joint is all except
  1. Radius
  2. Lunate & Triquetrum
  3. Scaphoid
  4. Ulna

4.   The cranial nervewith longest intracranial  course is
  1. Optic
  2. Trochlear
  3. Trigeminal
  4. Facial

5.    The powerful extensor of the hip joint is
  1. Gluteus medius
  2. Adductor magnus
  3. Gluteus minimus
  4. Gluteus maximus

6.    Intramuscular injection in to the gluteal region is ideal in which quadrant
  1. Lower outer
  2. Lower inner
  3. Upper outer
  4. Upper inner

7.    Ureter is lined by
  1. Stratified squamous epithelium
  2. Pseudo stratified epithelium
  3. Cuboidal epithelium
  4. Transitional epithelium

8.   The left subclavian artery is a branch of
  1. Ascending aorta
  2. Descending aorta
  3. Brachiocephalic trunk
  4. None of the above

9.   All are central neuroglia except
  1. Satellite cell
  2. Astrocyte
  3. Microglia
  4. Oligodendrocyte

10.  Occipital lobe  is related to
  1. Taste
  2. Smell
  3. vision
  4. Hearing

11.    The functional area of the kidney is  known as
  1. Parenchyma
  2. Nephron
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above

12.    How many cells  are formied  at the  end of meiosis I
  1. Only one
  2. Two
  3. Four
  4. None of the above

13.  All the following nerves take origin from the brain except
  1. Accessory
  2. Hypoglossal
  3. Occulomotor
  4. Vagus

14.    Vestibulo cochlear nerve takes origin from
  1. Pons
  2. Medulla oblongata
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above

15.   Circle of Willis is formed by
  1. Internal Carotid artery
  2. Vertebral artery
  3. Both(1) and (2)
  4. None of the  above

16.   The largest irregular bone in the body is
  1. Vertebra
  2. Scapula
  3. Pelvic bone
  4. Cranial bones

The proximal row of carpal bones are :
Medial to Lateral : Pisiform, Triquetrum, Lunate, Scaphoid
Cnemonic to remember :                                                      
Please      Take             Lovely  Sophia

The distal row of carpal bones are :     
Lateral to Medial : Trppezium Trpezoid Capitate Hamate
Cnemonic to remember :                                                       
To               The         Coffee    House

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